changeset 0:f7bf25ad338e

author uncorrelated zombie <>
date Thu, 27 Oct 2022 07:09:58 +0900
children d52c39e8228a
files .hgignore EdgeworthBox.R app.R common.R
diffstat 4 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Thu Oct 27 07:09:58 2022 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+syntax: glob
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EdgeworthBox.R	Thu Oct 27 07:09:58 2022 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+drawEdgeworthBox <- function(init_A=0.9, init_B=0.3, CC=TRUE, SHP=TRUE, I=TRUE, E=TRUE){
+    # 経済の財は合計1に固定し、かつそれぞれの配分の最小値を0.01とする
+    modifyParam <- function(g){
+        g <- max(0.01, g)
+        g <- min(0.99, g)
+        g
+    }
+    init_A <- modifyParam(init_A)
+    init_B <- modifyParam(init_B)
+    # 財の配分を表す行列
+    initial_goods <- matrix(c(init_A, 1 - init_A, init_B, 1 - init_B), 2, 2,
+        dimnames = list(c("person 1", "person 2"), c("g/s A", "g/s B")))
+    # トランスログ型効用関数の雛形を定義
+    U_pt <- function(b, gs_a, gs_b){
+        # b[3]~b[5]≠0だと局所的に凸なだけなので、安易に財の総量を増やしたり、下手にパラメーターをいじると、計算がデタラメに。
+        if(gs_a <=0 || gs_b<=0) return(-Inf)
+        as.numeric(b[1]*log(gs_a) + b[2]*log(gs_b) + b[3]*log(gs_a)^2 + b[4]*log(gs_b)^2 + b[5]*log(gs_a)*log(gs_b))
+    }
+    # Person 1と2の効用関数を定義
+    U_1 <- function(gs_a, gs_b) U_pt(c(0.4, 0.6, 0, -0.5, 0), gs_a, gs_b)
+    U_2 <- function(gs_a, gs_b) U_pt(c(0.5, 0.5, 0, -0.4, 0), gs_a, gs_b)
+    # 各財/サービスの合計を求めておく
+    sum_of_goods <- apply(initial_goods, 2, sum)
+    # グラディエントを数値解析
+    dU <- function(U, gs_a, gs_b, h=1e-4){
+        r <- c(U(gs_a + h, gs_b) - U(gs_a - h, gs_b),
+        U(gs_a, gs_b + h) - U(gs_a, gs_b - h)) / (2*h)
+        names(r) <- c("d(g/s A)", "d(g/s B)")
+        r
+    }
+    getPrice <- function(goods){
+        # 限界効用を計算
+        dU1 <- dU(U_1, goods["person 1", "g/s A"], goods["person 1", "g/s B"])
+        dU2 <- dU(U_2, goods["person 2", "g/s A"], goods["person 2", "g/s B"])
+        # 価格と言うか交換レート(限界代替率)を計算
+        r <- c(dU1["d(g/s A)"]/dU1["d(g/s B)"], dU2["d(g/s A)"]/dU2["d(g/s B)"])
+        names(r) <- c("person 1", "person 2")
+        r
+    }
+    getDistribution <- function(initial_goods, exchange){
+        # 財配分を更新
+        # initial_goods: 初期配分
+        # exchange: 交換量
+        goods <- initial_goods
+        goods["person 1", ] <- initial_goods["person 1", ] - exchange
+        goods["person 2", ] <- initial_goods["person 2", ] + exchange
+        goods
+    }
+    getEquilibrium <- function(initial_goods){
+        # 均衡を計算
+        r_nleqslv <- nleqslv(c(0.0, -0.0), function(exchange){
+            goods <- getDistribution(initial_goods, exchange)
+            p <- getPrice(goods)
+            # Person 1とPerson 2の限界代替率が一致し、Person 1の支出と収入が一致する点が均衡
+            # p*(x0 - x) + (y0 - y) = 0
+            c(p["person 1"] - p["person 2"], exchange[1]*p["person 1"] + exchange[2])
+        }) 
+        exchange <- r_nleqslv$x
+        goods <- getDistribution(initial_goods, exchange)
+        price <- getPrice(goods)
+        # 分離超平面(式の形にしておく)
+        shpe <- substitute(B0 - a*(A - A0), list(B0=goods[1, 2], a=price[1], A0=goods[1, 1]))
+        list(price=price, exchange=exchange, goods=goods, shp=function(A){ eval(shpe) })
+    }
+    # 均衡の計算
+    equilibrium <- getEquilibrium(initial_goods)
+    # 無差別曲線の描画
+    drawIDC <- function(goods, lwd=c(1.5, 1.5), col=c("blue", "red", "pink"), names=NULL, IsCore=FALSE, density=10){
+        UL_1 <- U_1(goods["person 1", "g/s A"], goods["person 1", "g/s B"])
+        UL_2 <- U_2(goods["person 2", "g/s A"], goods["person 2", "g/s B"])
+        demand_B <- function(UL, U, A){
+            B <- numeric(length(A))
+            for(i in 1:length(A)){
+                r_nlm <- nlm(function(b){
+                        if(b <= 0){
+                            return(1e+6)
+                        }
+                        (UL - U(A[i], b))^2
+                }, 1)
+                B[i] <- with(r_nlm, ifelse(code<=3, estimate[1], NA))
+            }
+            B
+        }
+        # 財Aの量が横軸になる,0は効用関数の定義域から外れるので調整している
+        # 無差別曲線を2つ、片方ひっくり返して重ねている図のため、線が枠をはみ出る方がよいので、上限はあえてずらしてる
+        scale <- 1.05
+        A <- seq(1e-6, sum_of_goods["g/s A"]*scale, length.out=101)
+        IC_1 <- matrix(c(A, demand_B(UL_1, U_1, A)),
+            length(A), 2)
+        colnames(IC_1) <- c("g/s A", "g/s B")
+        # Person 2の無差別曲線は180度回転してプロットするため、経済全体の財の量からPerson 2の財の量を引いて、対応するPerson 1の財の量を求めてプロットしている
+        IC_2 <- matrix(c(sum_of_goods["g/s A"] - A,
+            sum_of_goods["g/s B"] - demand_B(UL_2, U_2, A)),
+            length(A), 2)
+        colnames(IC_2) <- c("g/s A", "g/s B")
+        lines(IC_1[,"g/s B"] ~ IC_1[,"g/s A"], lwd=lwd[1], col=col[1])
+        lines(IC_2[,"g/s B"] ~ IC_2[,"g/s A"], lwd=lwd[2], col=col[2])
+        if(!is.null(names)){
+            # 描画域の大きさから、表示位置の調整量を決める
+            xadj <- (par()$usr[2] - par()$usr[1])/75
+            # 枠内で最大のB財の量を求める
+            b <- max(IC_1[ , "g/s B"][IC_1[ , "g/s B"] < sum_of_goods["g/s B"]], na.rm = TRUE)
+            # 最大のB財に対応する行を求める
+            i <- which(IC_1[ , "g/s B"]==b, arr.ind=TRUE)
+            text(IC_1[i, "g/s A"] + xadj, b, names[1], col=col[1], adj=c(0, 1))
+            # 枠内で最小のB財の量を求める
+            b <- min(IC_2[ , "g/s B"][IC_2[ , "g/s B"] > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
+            # 最小のB財に対応する行を求める
+            i <- which(IC_2[ , "g/s B"]==b, arr.ind=TRUE)
+            text(IC_2[i, "g/s A"] - xadj, b, names[2], col=col[2], adj=c(1, 0))
+        }
+        # 純粋交換経済のコア
+        # Person 2の無差別曲線(の180度回転)のB財の量よりも、Person 1のB財の量が同じか少ない領域を求める
+        if(IsCore){
+            # 横軸のIC_1の財Aの量とIC_2の財Aの量の対応がずれているので、線形近似関数をつくる
+            af_1 <- approxfun(IC_1[ , "g/s A"], IC_1[ , "g/s B"])
+            af_2 <- approxfun(IC_2[ , "g/s A"], IC_2[ , "g/s B"])
+            # 横軸を細かく取り直す
+            A <- seq(1e-6, sum_of_goods["g/s A"]-1e-6, length.out=100)
+            A <- A[af_1(A) <= af_2(A)]
+            # コアの周回経路を求める
+            x <- c(A, rev(A)) # 行きと帰りは向きが逆
+            y <- c(af_1(A), af_2(rev(A))) # 行きはPerson 1の無差別曲線に沿って、帰りはPerson 2の〃
+            # 面を書く関数で色を塗る
+            polygon(x, y, density=density, col=col[3], border=NA)
+        }
+    }
+    # 背景を白に、余白を小さくして、フォントサイズを大きくした設定にする
+    par(bg="white", mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0), cex=1)
+    # 低水準グラフィックス関数で描いて行く
+    margin <- 0.1
+    xlim <- c(-margin, (1 + margin))*sum_of_goods["g/s A"]
+    ylim <- c(-margin, (1 + margin))*sum_of_goods["g/s B"]
+    plot.window(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
+    col <- c("blue", "red")
+    # 枠と言うか矢印を書く
+    with(list(l=0.125, lwd=2), {
+        xlim <- c(-l/2, (1.0 + l/2))*sum_of_goods["g/s A"]
+        ylim <- c(-l/2, (1.0 + l/2))*sum_of_goods["g/s B"]
+        arrows(0.0, 0.0, xlim[2], 0, col=col[1], lwd=lwd, length=l)
+        arrows(0.0, 0.0, 0, ylim[2], col=col[1], lwd=lwd, length=l)
+        arrows(sum_of_goods["g/s A"], sum_of_goods["g/s B"], sum_of_goods["g/s A"], ylim[1], col=col[2], lwd=lwd, length=l)
+        arrows(sum_of_goods["g/s A"], sum_of_goods["g/s B"], xlim[1], sum_of_goods["g/s B"], col=col[2], lwd=lwd, length=l)
+        text(0, 0, expression(O[1]), col=col[1], adj=c(1, 1))
+        text(xlim[2], 0, expression(G[1]^A), col=col[1], adj=c(0, 1))
+        text(0, ylim[2], expression(G[1]^B), col=col[1], adj=c(1, 0))
+        text(sum_of_goods["g/s A"], sum_of_goods["g/s B"], expression(O[2]), col=col[2], adj=c(0, 0))
+        text(xlim[1], sum_of_goods["g/s B"], expression(G[2]^A), col=col[2], adj=c(1, 0))
+        text(sum_of_goods["g/s A"], ylim[1], expression(G[2]^B), col=col[2], adj=c(0, 1))
+    })
+    # 契約曲線の計算と描画
+    if(CC){
+        # 初期時点の組み合わせを格子状に大量に作って計算する
+        grid <- expand.grid(
+            # 0は効用関数の定義域から外れるので調整している
+            "g/s A"=seq(1e-2, 1 - 1e-2, length.out=11) * sum_of_goods["g/s A"],
+            "g/s B"=seq(1e-2, 1 - 1e-2, length.out=11) * sum_of_goods["g/s B"])
+        # apply関数で行列の列ごとに操作する
+        r_apply <- apply(grid, 1, function(goodsOfPrsn1){
+            goods <- matrix(c(goodsOfPrsn1, sum_of_goods - goodsOfPrsn1),
+                2, 2, dimnames=dimnames(initial_goods), byrow=TRUE)
+            equilibrium <- getEquilibrium(goods)
+            with(equilibrium, c(goods["person 1", "g/s A"], goods["person 1", "g/s B"]))
+        })
+        # 表示する均衡点も契約曲線の点の集合に入れておく
+        r_apply <- cbind(r_apply, with(equilibrium, c(goods["person 1", "g/s A"], goods["person 1", "g/s B"])))
+        # 行に名前をつけておく
+        rownames(r_apply) <- c("g/s A", "g/s B")
+        # A財の大小で並び替えておく
+        r_apply <- r_apply[, order(r_apply["g/s A", ])]
+        # 直線でつないで契約曲線の近似とする
+        lines(r_apply["g/s A", ], r_apply["g/s B", ], lty=3, col="darkgray")
+    }
+    # 初期点を通る無差別曲線を描画
+    if(I) drawIDC(initial_goods, names=c(expression(U[1]^I), expression(U[2]^I)), IsCore=TRUE)
+    with(equilibrium, {
+        # 均衡を通る無差別曲線を描画
+        if(E) drawIDC(goods, col=col, names=c(expression(U[1]^E), expression(U[2]^E)))
+        xadj <- (par()$usr[2] - par()$usr[1])/50 # 文字表示の位置調整
+        pch <- 21 # 点の形状(21:丸, 22:四角, 23:菱形, 24:三角,25:逆三角, etc...)
+        # 初期配分を描画
+        if(I){
+            points(initial_goods["person 1", "g/s A"], initial_goods["person 1", "g/s B"], pch=pch, col="blue", bg="blue")
+            text(initial_goods["person 1", "g/s A"] + xadj, initial_goods["person 1", "g/s B"], expression(I), adj=c(0, 0))
+        }
+        # 競争均衡点を描画
+        if(E){
+            points(goods["person 1", "g/s A"], goods["person 1", "g/s B"], pch=pch, col="black", bg="black")
+            text(goods["person 1", "g/s A"] + xadj, goods["person 1", "g/s B"], expression(E), adj=c(0, 0))
+        }
+        # 分離超平面を描画
+        if(SHP){
+            A <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out=2)
+            lines(A, shp(A))
+        }
+    })
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app.R	Thu Oct 27 07:09:58 2022 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+loadLib("nleqslv", "shiny")
+ui <- fluidPage(
+    titlePanel("Edgeworth Box"),
+    sidebarLayout(
+        sidebarPanel(
+            sliderInput("A",
+                "initial amount of goods A of person 1",
+                min = 0.01,
+                max = 0.99,
+                value = 0.8), 
+            sliderInput("B",
+                "initial amount of goods B of person 1",
+                min = 0.01,
+                max = 0.99,
+                value = 0.3),
+            checkboxInput("isCC", "Contract Curve", TRUE),
+            checkboxInput("isSHP", "Separating Hyperplane", TRUE),
+            checkboxInput("isI", "Initial Point", TRUE),
+            checkboxInput("isE", "Equilibrium", TRUE)
+        ), 
+        mainPanel(
+            plotOutput("distPlot")
+        )
+    )
+server <- function(input, output) {
+    output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+        drawEdgeworthBox(input$A, input$B, CC=input$isCC, SHP=input$isSHP, I=input$isI, E=input$isE)
+    }, width=400, height=400)
+app <- shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common.R	Thu Oct 27 07:09:58 2022 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+loadLib <- function(...){
+    for(lname in unlist(list(...))){
+        if(!any(suppressWarnings(library(quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)$results[,"Package"] == lname))){
+            stop(sprintf("Do install.packages(\"%s\") before runnning this script.", lname))
+        }
+        library(lname, character.only = TRUE)
+    }